A little something about me as a person. Let’s talk about my coming out: it was easy and accepted by my family, but my friends felt a bit different about it. I had to let go some of them because they did not feel comfortable with having a gay guy among them. After coming out came a more fun time: lots of sex, which also allowed me to meet the love of my life (lol) but after two years of being together and married, we broke up. After the breakup I decided to stay in Brussels to pursue both social and business opportunities. Until one day I met a person who was so different and yet who eventually turned out to be my soulmate. He is the man who made me who I am today and everything I am proud of. Although the relationship has now faded, I remain eternally grateful to him for his presence and for what he gave me. I know for a fact that he will always be an important person in my life. This breakup allowed me to look at life differently on many levels, especially when it comes to dealing with my body and my sexuality. When we were together, we had a closed relationship which I was perfectly fine with even though the option of having an open relationship was present. During this new period of my life as a single man, I am now taking the time to think about relationships and the different forms they can take on.

In the past year and a half, I’ve gotten to know a lot of people who have been experimenting with relationships and their sexuality which has allowed to broaden my way of thinking about relationships in a way I could never have imagined before. For example: opening the couple for sexual reasons or out of pure lust, or even the idea of a love triangle. I’ve also started experimenting on Twitter, by myself or with other people, trying to see what I feel and don’t feel comfortable with. A body is a body, we shouldn’t hide ourselves. We should be proud of who we are and of our body, hence why I agreed to this photoshoot.
In conclusion, this enables me as a person to feel much freer in my thoughts and body language.
Thank you for this opportunity.