I think I could live inside that hug. It was one of the most genuine moments of my life, it was one of the hardest goodbyes I had to say, but also an act of love.
After one year living together in Romania, a country that was not our own (I came from Brazil and him from Colombia), we saw our relationship hanging over a question about what we would do next. My plans were to move from Romania to Germany, to pursue a career path that I always dreamed about, and my boyfriend would move to Peru, also to follow a good job opportunity and to be closer to his family. We knew that the long distance wouldn’t be an option for us, as the money/time we would have, we needed to invest to visit our families in our own home countries, so we had to decide if we break up or if any of us would give up on our career and dreams, to follow one another. After long talks and a lot of thinking, we decided that was time for us to move on and keep the good memories/moments we had in our heart.

It was a relationship that lots of people would not believe, as we never had one single fight, we always managed to find the way through any situation with honesty, good communication and empathy. We traveled together to many countries, we had many nights/weekends working together to get things done, we had to sneak around to have our private moments, but all of that just made our relationship stronger.
So, it was not easy, but it was the right decision. We had to learn how to adapt to the new situation, but still be part of each other life, and nowadays, we can see that we learned how to transform that love into something different. We still have a great relationship, still care and love each other (nothing sexual anymore, just pure caring…), but that last hug during the goodbye… it’s hard to move on. It’s a safe place, it’s a place that I always want to go back to.