When Chris asked me to write about a moment in my life that changed me, or about an important event, I panicked. I’m not good at expressing my emotions or what is on my mind. It was easier for me to pose nude in front of someone that I just met, than writing this piece.

Being nude, for me now, is a form of expression and empowerment, it shows that I’m comfortable on my own skin. But I didn’t always felt like this.

When I was younger I, like many others, was bullied throughout school. So I was ashamed of my body. I didn’t feel confortable at the beach, or showering after gym class.

I was teased in the lockerooms, bullies would hide my clothes, or throw them on the floor or put them in the girls’ lockeroom. It made me feel insecure, small and being naked in this situation made me vulnerable.

The years past, I gain confidence, got thick skin and no word can bring me down. My mother always said to me, “you have to love yourself”. Now I do, I love my body, I embrace all its flaws and I love me.

As I got older I started exploring my sexuality and my body. I started practicing sports, and eating right. It made me feel more confident, and strong. Nowadays I play with makeup, wear women’s clothes, wear heels. I just wanna have fun. It’s my body, and I do whatever I want with it.

Discovering this place, Mise en Scène,where we took the pictures, was a booster for my sexuality and confidence. Its a libertine club, where everyone is welcomed. Here I feel myself. I can walk around naked or wearing a wig, lips and stilettos and feel sexy and wanted. I like to play with gender and explore my sexuality beyond the labels of gay, bi… Now I’m 31 years old, and I feel free when I’m nude.