T.O.M.: First, a short introduction of yourself?
Oliraptor: Hey, my name is Oliver Sarley but I’m known also as Oliraptor. I follow dudes in the grass, capture exhibitionism and explore different areas with models and lovers. I’m from London but grew up in the suburbs of Washington DC, then headed to MICA in Baltimore to study Fine Art Drawing. I moved back to London in 2010.

T.O.M.: How did you start shooting guys?
Oliraptor: In my final year at university. I was drawing, printmaking and painting lots of nudes. I photographed some models so I could draw them later, then the habit kind of stook. Zines like BUTT magazine and the artists feautred in them were a huge inspiration. I thought, this was what I want to do. The first shots where in a basement in Baltimore with mostly straight models. Just nudes, nothing wild yet.

T.O.M.: Is there a message in your photography?
Oliraptor: So many messages! Just like my art, I myself am a lot of different things. I have always been an artist, but my voice has gotten louder in the last few years and more political. My work mainly revolves around sexuality of course, followed by capturing people at their most vulnerable, exploring nature and showing the beauty of the nude. The best thing is just giving people a view into my world and that of other queer people.

T.O.M.: How do you look at the sexual aspect of your work?
Oliraptor: I tell people my work is from mild to wild, it all depends on the person. I love to photograph couples and lovers in the moment and sometimes my own sexual experiences. As long as everyone involved is happy, I will capture all the intimate moments I can! Someone has to. In a world where pixels and censorship are getting more and more common, we need to keep creating erotic art.

T.O.M.: Any memorable moments during the shooting?
Oliraptor: I should probably write down the experiences I go through because I have seen a lot of things, mostly all positive. There have been moments as well when I thought, why am I here and how did I end up in this situation? I will say that I have met some amazing people, and I have created life-long relationships. The best moments are when something happens and the chemistry takes over. I love the idea of something sexual happening outdoors while the people around are not being able to see it, but we know what is going on.