“I was born in the north of Italy, not far from Venice, and soon moved to Bologna were I studied Arts Theatre and Music and Dams University. I trained mainly as a dancer and choreographer, and worked with several italian and european choreographers and dancers, but always had a great passion for photography since I was a child. This passion flourished some years ago with the re-descovery of instant photography, especially polaroids. I love working with expired films for their unpredictable results, where each time I shoot something magic happens, something I didn’t expect but that is perfect. A large part of my works focuses on the body: the sensuality, the fragility, the intimacy, the truth of male bodies. I worked a lot with selfportraits, something between the exercise and self-eroticism, but I love working with other people, especially non-models, to seek for the beauty and the mistery of their bodies, sensuality and souls.”
— By Stefano Questorio
Website: www.stefanoquestorioinstantphotography.com