I often wonder why I do porn. What attracts me to do this, what pushes me. I can only start to assume that I enjoy performing. […]
Month: November 2021
Sebastian from Germany
Changes are mostly providing ground for something new: in order to grow, often something else has to give way. And that basically doesn’t mean anything […]
Thomas from Belgium
Self-image has always been a tough spot for me. I am constantly thinking about what I project towards people, what people think about me, how […]
Roberto from Italy
Raised in a big town close to Pompei, between high mountains and the sea, I have been living my life, surrounded by nature, history, and […]
Sebastian from Germany
BEHIND BLUE EYES “You’re a wonderful person” he said, “intelligent, beautiful, empathic, serious, funny and a great sex partner, but…”. Like most of the dates […]