1) Until my adolescence I had a joyful and loving relationship with my body. Our collaboration was almost flawless throughout my childhood. I was gullible […]
Month: July 2020
Rodrigo from Brazil
“What’s your kink?” I always have a bit of a hard time responding to this. Lately, however, I have been realizing how there is something […]
Patrick from the Netherlands
I’ve always been a theatrical and energetic kid. As far as my parents can remember, I was always dancing, running around and putting on shows […]
《Shenzhen 513》by Jaihang from Taiwan
Photographer: Jaihang 2015年我認識了一名中國男子,他獨自來台灣玩,認識第一天我只想著在飯店裡吹冷氣,然後我們在香港確定了彼此關係,在台灣畢業之後隨他去到深圳生活。513是我們租的第一套房間,裏頭蘊藏了了4年裡無所適從。 有時候看他很可愛,有時候又覺得為什麼能為了這個人而來到與我對立的地方呢? 我只是在這些照片的切片中自問自答,試著尋找當初的勇氣與開頭。 「他喜歡貼米老鼠紋身, 說是電影“甜蜜蜜”的曾志偉」 我能想到最浪漫的事他說:如果你這麼愛住飯店,那我們就每天去住如果你怎麼愛吃日料,只好天天吃囉 他還說:如果你害怕,我會保護你, 如果你找不到工作,那我就養你 他在明信片上寫 從未聽過你如此幸福開⼼的聲⾳ 這本書花費了了五年拍攝裡面紀錄和前男友的感情生活扉頁上的圖是你留在我身上的紋身 我們終於失敗了-甜蜜蜜 1996(我們永遠不知道另一個人以怎樣種方式愛自己) 513是空間;我們是空間;我和這座城市也是空間。 在空間與空間中模糊不清彼此的臉; 進而感知自身的孤獨。 也許沈默才是最激烈的思想碰撞。 這本攝影集存放著融合與界線,投射著開始就知道失焦的勇氣, 以快門建立與愛人對話及對愛的需求 原來比起孤獨我更是寂寞的。 《Shenzhen 513》林家夯 2020年2⽉月初版 […]
Lorenzo from Italy
We were best friends and our friendship lasted for 5 years. We used to have girlfriends at that time and then he suddenly told me […]
Jeff from the Netherlands
I have absolutely no desire to fit in. There, I said it. And I believe in it wholeheartedly. Sure, I have my insecurities. I guess […]
Thomas from Switzerland
Welcome to the head of an over thinker. Growing more independent lately, I found myself taking a step back, looking at the impact of my […]
CORO(M)ASTURBATION is a video compilation project that portraits people’s self pleasure moments under the confinement. Our social lives as we have known are disrupted by […]
Skinny love
When someone asks me to talk about my body, I don’t know what to say. It’s clear that I’m a cis white male with good […]
Early Blossom —- by Matus Pisarcik
I am fascinated by the nature and human body and their connection. This project is about erotic connecting between man and the nature. These photographs […]